Audio Interviews Archives - Sky's Blog Communicating in a networked world Sat, 24 Mar 2018 19:16:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Audio Interviews Archives - Sky's Blog 32 32 Women of Tibet- is an Emmy-Winner Fri, 29 May 2009 05:32:57 +0000 Rosemary Rawcliffe and I met a few years ago. She had been working on her Women of Tibet trilogy for just a couple of years. In 2005 or 2006 we ran into each other again at the Tibetan settlement in Dharamsala, India, and we were soon talking about ways we might help students learn to […]

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Rosemary RawcliffeRosemary Rawcliffe and I met a few years ago. She had been working on her Women of Tibet trilogy for just a couple of years.

In 2005 or 2006 we ran into each other again at the Tibetan settlement in Dharamsala, India, and we were soon talking about ways we might help students learn to use video and film to preserve the stories of the older Tibetan refugees and, for that matter, their own stories!

Now, of course, Rosemary was the pro, and I knew little about film and video. (I had taught beginning video production at one point, using 2-inch Ampex video tape editing and huge video cameras, but that was ancient history, and it certainly wasn’t my profession.)

Rosemary Rawcliffe wins an EmmyShe has now completed two of the films… and the second film, Women of Tibet: A Quiet Revolution was just awarded a 2009 Emmy® in the category Historic/Cultural – Program/Special at the 38th annual 2008-2009 Northern California Area Emmy Awards. You can read her story (and see photos) about the awards ceremony at the Women of Tibet web site.

Rosemary had built a career in film and television in Britain, but in 1989 she sold her business and took a break from the profession. As she said “you wake up one morning and you have 35 people working for you…” and your ability to choose which creative tasks you want to take on is greatly reduced.

But because of the breadth of trades she had plied while in the business, she knew everything from audio to video, and knew how to finance and build a team, and ten years later she was so moved by the plight of, and the courage of, Tibetan refugee women, that she began filming to tell their story. Two films later (with one more to go), she now has an Emmy, which is both a recognition of her own efforts and a statement of respect for the stories and the lives of the women she is chronicling. And she is thrilled to be recognized in this way by her peers. You’ll recognize what this means to her when you listen to the interview.

Audio player:

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Jane Bay’s day job Wed, 02 Apr 2008 07:55:00 +0000 I don’t generally engage in hero-worship. But I do sometimes get wound up in interesting people and stories. And speaking of such, George Lucas is one of the people I’ve only “gotten close to meeting.” So when a group of our Project Happiness students from Mount Madonna School were able to interview him last year […]

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I don’t generally engage in hero-worship. But I do sometimes get wound up in interesting people and stories.

And speaking of such, George Lucas is one of the people I’ve only “gotten close to meeting.” So when a group of our Project Happiness students from Mount Madonna School were able to interview him last year (for the Project Happiness movie), I really enjoyed it.

trooperWell, the “next best thing” to time with George was also really interesting. George’s assistant, Jane Bay, has been with him since just after the first Star Wars film was released. Almost every day she deals with guys like those in the picture to the left. She and I both waited in line to see the film at the Coronet Theater on Geary Blvd. in San Francisco – though a couple of weeks apart. She got a job with George shortly thereafter, and I did not – I remained an academic for a couple more years and then started DesignWare (an edutainment software company), which ended up being my eventual reason for a few visits to Skywalker Ranch. (Continue for the audio interview…)

Jane has at least a two-track mind. If working as George Lucas’ assistant is her day job, then her unexpected second job has been writing two books. When I interviewed her in 2007, Jane talked about her two books. While we were capturing those stories I also asked Jane what it’s like to work for and with George Lucas. And with joy in her voice, she obliged:

Audio player:

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A Story About Life, Death, and Rebirth – Jane Bay Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:20:31 +0000 No time is more apt than right now for me to post an audio interview I conducted a few months ago. The time is apt because of what’s happening in Tibet over the past two weeks (best reports are at the BBC – search for Tibet). During most of its human history, Tibet was an […]

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love-loss-coverNo time is more apt than right now for me to post an audio interview I conducted a few months ago. The time is apt because of what’s happening in Tibet over the past two weeks (best reports are at the BBC – search for Tibet). During most of its human history, Tibet was an isolated and difficult-to-reach high plateau, which only remotely came under the influence or control of the Mongols or the Chinese from time to time. The Dalai Lamas were in fact assigned their name and governmental role by Mongol overlords around 1578.

Tibet only “opened up” to the non-Asian world in mid-twentieth century. My introduction was via Lowell Thomas Jr.’s book Out of this World (published in 1950 – I will have more to say about the book elsewhere). And I read this book when I was a teenager in middle America, some time after Tibet was occupied by the Chinese army and just before the 14th Dalai Lama went into exile in India. The Chinese government claims that Tibet has always been a part of China. Those of us who have come into contact with Tibetan people know them as hard-working and dedicated, open and welcoming, and will never forget our encounters.

Jane Bay “Precious Jewels of Tibet”Last year I met Jane Bay. Jane has worked within the film industry for some time, and Jane came to know Tibet thru some interesting events – but most directly because she sponsored and adopted a Tibetan refugee daughter. Initially her daughter, Namgyal, lived at the Tibetan Children’s Village in Dharamsala, India, but due to circumstances and political pressure she moved back to Tibet. And Jane lost touch with her. This story is told in Jane’s first book, Precious Jewels of Tibet.

But that wasn’t the only loss in their relationship. Jane regained contact with Namgyal, in Tibet, where her daughter was studying traditional Tibetan medicine. And they began to plan a life-long relationship in which Namgyal would be able to move back and forth between Tibet and the US, observing the traditional and the modern in all its variation.

Jane Bay “Love & Loss”But it was not to be. In 2003, Namgyal suddenly died. Arising out of Jane’s shock and grief, and based on exchanges of email that she had with friends, she wrote a book Love & Loss: A Story About Life, Death, and Rebirth. In this book she chronicles the email exchanges she had following the death of her adopted Tibetan daughter in 2003. Far from being impersonal, the email exchange turned deeply touching and intimate. Technology ended up being the enabler that allowed Jane to move thru a time of crisis. And to share that story with others.

I interview Jane Bay.
The importance of the 49-day period after an individual’s death.
How stories promote change.
Jane talks about digital media.
The Internet is more important than the printing press.

[Updated Feb 2017 and Mar 2018 to use HTML5 audio tag]

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Co-Creating Art (Making Peace) for The Missing Peace Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:43:38 +0000 Late last year, as The Missing Peace (TMPP) was being prepared for exhibition in San Francisco, I began working on an adaptation of my Pervasive Interactive Technologies so that I could run a location-based mobile phone “game” in conjunction with TMPP and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. My idea was to have mobile phone […]

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The Missing PeaceLate last year, as The Missing Peace (TMPP) was being prepared for exhibition in San Francisco, I began working on an adaptation of my Pervasive Interactive Technologies so that I could run a location-based mobile phone “game” in conjunction with TMPP and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. My idea was to have mobile phone users begin this new game at home and complete the game at YBCA, where they would visit the exhibition. Please join us at Making Peace after you read this article!

I had met Joel Barraquiel Tan, the Director of Community Engagement for YBCA, about two years ago, so he already knew about my technologies and games – one of which is played at Yerba Buena Gardens, right outside his front door. In one quick conversation, however, we took a huge jump forward…

The jump was that we decided to co-author an experience that could be “played ” out anywhere (not just at YBCA), which would solicit and include input from anyone, and would accumulate and display its “output” in a community co-created online mosaic that could also be displayed at YBCA as a piece of art. Joel took the lead on the conceptual development, which he based on ideas he was developing for the Big Ideas program at YBCA, and I put on my programming hat and built some new online capabilities so that we could make our artistic ideas real.

In the first video clip (below), Joel and I discuss the community engagement program at YBCA.

The game is called Making Peace, and it’s integrated with the Community Engagement program at YBCA. It has evolved quite a bit over the couple of months it has been in place. I asked Joel to give us his view on how the Making Peace experience was created.

What’s the Big Idea Day, February 9th, 2008, was an opportunity for the community to come to the Room for Big Ideas and participate in several related projects. Creating small rice-paper flags, having their photo taken by Derick Ion, an artist in the Making Peace/Big Ideas program, and having their photos added to the Making Peace mosaic.

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The Global Oneness Project Sat, 10 Nov 2007 22:16:22 +0000 Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee of the Global Oneness Project (on the road in the Australian outback) Here’s a two-for-one post. Not only have I run across a great project and cause, but it’s a media project! The Global Oneness Project has chosen the approach of professionally recording video interviews with individuals who are contributing to our awakening. […]

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Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee of
the Global Oneness Project
(on the road in the Australian outback)

Here’s a two-for-one post. Not only have I run across a great project and cause, but it’s a media project!

The Global Oneness Project has chosen the approach of professionally recording video interviews with individuals who are contributing to our awakening. I recorded an interview with Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee, who directs the project. [12min:37sec QuickTime]

Click the arrow to hear the interview:

From… “The idea of oneness is not new. For thousands of years it’s been a basic part of human consciousness, taking countless forms in the world’s spiritual, religious, artistic, and cultural traditions. Indigenous lifeways, myths showing the interconnectedness of all things, intricate philosophical systems, literature, and art are just a few of the ways we’ve sought to understand and express oneness. For the most part, however, these different expressions have been isolated from one another by geography, language, and time, or restricted to an intellectual or spiritual elite.

“In contrast, today we experience global interdependence with a unique level of clarity and urgency. In natural sciences like biology, physics, and mathematics; in technology, economics, and ecology; and in spiritual, cultural, and social movements across the planet new perspectives on oneness are emerging with breathtaking beauty and transformational power.”

Here are links to a few videos that address spirituality, community, and service:

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The Founding of the Dalai Lama Scholars Mon, 10 Sep 2007 01:36:58 +0000 The first Dalai Lama scholars… with the 14th Dalai Lama The Dalai Lama Scholars program was envisioned by Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez of the University of California at Irvine, and formed as an honorarium to His Holiness in conjunction with his appearance there in 2004. The Dalai Lama does not receive any payment for his […]

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The first Dalai Lama scholars…
with the 14th Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama Scholars program was envisioned by Vice Chancellor Manuel Gomez of the University of California at Irvine, and formed as an honorarium to His Holiness in conjunction with his appearance there in 2004. The Dalai Lama does not receive any payment for his appearances – instead, all net proceeds from tickets and other sales (after expenses) go to benefit appropriate causes and organizations. [UCI Juniors Rajiv Ramdeo and Aswathi Sreedharan, recipients of the inaugural scholarship 2006, are pictured here with the Dalai Lama.]

Lori Warmington was instrumental in the creation of the scholarships, and in this interview, she describes for us how they came about as well as what they’re about.

Click the arrow to hear the interview:

The Dalai Lama Foundation featured the scholars in its March 2007 newsletter. The University describes the endowed scholarships on its web site. His Holiness gave two talks at the University of California Irvine, both of which are archived online (video/RealPlayer).

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Listening and Learning, a conversation with Amy Krantz Sun, 02 Sep 2007 04:41:45 +0000 Amy Krantz is a special education teacher who studied at Bank Street College of Education. She taught for almost 30 years in New York City schools. Her Master’s thesis dealt with her experience teaching young severely-language-impaired children, using a method that utilized reflection and self-expression thru writing and poetry. I met Amy Krantz almost by […]

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Amy Krantz is a special education teacher who studied at Bank Street College of Education. She taught for almost 30 years in New York City schools. Her Master’s thesis dealt with her experience teaching young severely-language-impaired children, using a method that utilized reflection and self-expression thru writing and poetry.

I met Amy Krantz almost by accident about two years ago. Introduced by a Buddhist nun in Pasadena. Amy was looking for someone to share a cab from the airport. We have had occasional conversations ever since – somehow karmically connected as we seem to just “run into” each other from time to time in places like Dharamsala (India) and San Francisco (California). Amy has an adopted daughter who lives in Dharamsala and spends a lot of time there.

A couple of months ago, I suggested to Amy that we sit down and discuss learning and teaching. She is one of those people who has a special approach, and that’s always worth paying attention to. In this interview, we focus a lot on the relationship of “listening” to “expression” and learning. I intend to expand this into a series of interviews with educators who have special messages to share.

Play the interview:

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The $100 laptop at International Symposium on Digital Earth 5 Tue, 28 Aug 2007 09:40:00 +0000 The $100 laptop @ ISDE5 The International Symposium on Digital Earth was an opportunity for a few hundred experts and other interested individuals to get together, see and discuss ways in which online information systems are making it possible to explore our planet. The most obvious, to me, being Google Earth. But there are lots […]

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The $100 laptop visits ISDE5 The $100 laptop @ ISDE5

The International Symposium on Digital Earth was an opportunity for a few hundred experts and other interested individuals to get together, see and discuss ways in which online information systems are making it possible to explore our planet.

The most obvious, to me, being Google Earth. But there are lots and lots of others.

As I walked into UC Berkeley to register, I stumbled across Ed Cherlin, who I’ve known for a few years as a knowledgeable and good-hearted promoter of the Simputer (Simple Computer). This time he was wearing a volunteer staff shirt for ISDE5 and carrying an XO (the “$100 computer”) in his hand. Hmm, an XO. Time to talk to Ed I think!

Here’s what Ed had to say…

Play the interview:

You may want to peruse these links while listening (audio 16 minutes 33 seconds):

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University for Peace & the Earth Charter Sat, 25 Aug 2007 19:00:02 +0000 On June 6th, several of us from the Foundation met with Professor Abelardo Brenes of University for Peace (headquartered in San José, Costa Rica) to discuss the Earth Charter and the principle of universal responsibility. Brenes described the Earth Charter in a 30-minute monologue which you may play (below). University for Peace (UPEACE) is a […]

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upeaceOn June 6th, several of us from the Foundation met with Professor Abelardo Brenes of University for Peace (headquartered in San José, Costa Rica) to discuss the Earth Charter and the principle of universal responsibility.

Brenes described the Earth Charter in a 30-minute monologue which you may play (below).

University for Peace logoUniversity for Peace (UPEACE) is a UN initiative which operates independent of, but was mandated by the UN. “Headquartered in Costa Rica, the United Nations-mandated University for Peace was established in December 1980 as a Treaty Organization by the UN General Assembly. As determined in the Charter of the University and endorsed by the UPEACE Council, the mission of the University for Peace is: “to provide humanity with an international institution of higher education for peace with the aim of promoting among all human beings the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to stimulate cooperation among peoples and to help lessen obstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations.”

In a 2003 online “paper,” Brenes describes (in Spanish) the initiative.

And in a 2003 print interview, as well (on, A Website of Resources for Peace).

UPDATE: Abelardo Brenes faculty page at University for Peace

Play the interview:

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Project Happiness and MediaSnackers Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:42:25 +0000 As we were just getting Project Happiness moving, a guy named “DK” pinged us – interested in our project because he creates podcasts dealing with media for and by youth. This guy is moving and shaking and getting a lot of activities going. And his media approach is quite interesting. “DK” of Here’s […]

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As we were just getting Project Happiness moving, a guy named “DK” pinged us – interested in our project because he creates podcasts dealing with media for and by youth.

This guy is moving and shaking and getting a lot of activities going. And his media approach is quite interesting.

“DK” of

Here’s what DK says about his work – “I launched MediaSnackers in June 2006 with an educational background in communications and media, plus a professional background in local government (I was the UK’s first and only Corporate Youth Officer… oooh!)—I’ve done lots of things and had many roles, but my passion for working with young people (and youth professionals) has been my main focus for the past 8 years. … MediaSnackers is my ‘bat and ball’—do you fancy a game?

(The DK comes from the initials of my old name. One of the first young people I started working with called me DK and it just stuck—I never liked my old name so I adopted it fully.)”

As of this date MediaSnackers has completed 8 videocasts and 94 podcast interviews.

This is the only opportunity that you’ll get (on this blog, at least) to hear me interviewed by somebody else…if that’s of interest to you at all.

Play the interview:

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Dave Goulding talks about Travels with Project Happiness Thu, 16 Aug 2007 01:52:21 +0000 Dave Goulding shooting video at Upper-TCV in India Dave Goulding is a cinematographer who has traveled with John Sorenson and Brian Buckley to record the story of Project Happiness. This summer we interviewed filmmaker George Lucas at his office (ranch) in Marin County, California. Well, actually the students of Project Happiness conducted the interview, and […]

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Dave Goulding shooting video at
Upper-TCV in India

Dave Goulding is a cinematographer who has traveled with John Sorenson and Brian Buckley to record the story of Project Happiness.

This summer we interviewed filmmaker George Lucas at his office (ranch) in Marin County, California. Well, actually the students of Project Happiness conducted the interview, and I watched as Dave and John (Sorensen) recorded everything on video tape for the documentary we’re making. Well, actually, I have nothing to do with making the documentary – I just make the online stuff happen.

What makes this so much fun? To quote Dave, “I think it’s the people you get to meet- the people you meet are just amazing!”

I talked with Dave over lunch, following the morning interview of George Lucas. We covered a mix of topics that ranged all over the globe – from Nigeria to India to the US.

Play the interview:

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Educators For NonViolence (EFNV) – Michael Nagler Thu, 31 May 2007 21:34:28 +0000 Educators For NonViolence [EFNV.ORG] is a group of educators operating under the auspices of the Metta Center for Nonviolence Education. It was co-founded by The Dalai Lama Foundation a couple of years ago. EFNV is holding its second summer teacher conference on Friday and Saturday, 20-21 July, 2007 on the University of California campus in […]

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Educators For NonViolence [EFNV.ORG] is a group of educators operating under the auspices of the Metta Center for Nonviolence Education. It was co-founded by The Dalai Lama Foundation a couple of years ago.

EFNV is holding its second summer teacher conference on Friday and Saturday, 20-21 July, 2007 on the University of California campus in Berkeley CA.

The coordinator of Metta Center’s volunteers as well as coordinator of the planning activities for the EFNV conference is Jordan Pearlstein at the Metta Center.

Michael Nagler is founder of the Peace Studies program at Berkeley, and leader of EFNV. I had a Skype conversation this morning with him where we discussed the conference and the organizations.

Play the interview:

. . . . . . . . . . .

Links we promised during the interview:

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Future Leaders for Peace – Jonathan Kathrein Thu, 24 May 2007 20:58:00 +0000 I sat down in a coffee shop in Berkeley (CA USA) a week ago with Jonathan Kathrein, the founder of Future Leaders for Peace.FLFP conducts workshops in schools - from grade-school thru college - their workshop lasts 90 minutes, including a video, to capture attention and inspire; it starts with interviews of people the kids can relate to, from sports figures to real people, and continues to Jonathan sharing his stories, including the shark attack he survived at Stinson Beach in 1998; proceeding to then get the kids to share their own stories in small groups of 8 or so - their challenges and conflicts and experiences. As Jonathan says, "It's amazing how similar their challenges are and yet they think they're unique - by sharing they learn how to better approach and overcome adversity in their lives.Jonathan has also written a children's book Don't Fear the Shark - a story of his shark attack, but one in which the shark is a bully mistreating humans because it has been mistreated itself - the story looks at how the cycle of violence arises and can be prevented.

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Jonathan KathreinI sat down in a coffee shop in Berkeley (CA USA) a week ago with Jonathan Kathrein, the founder of Future Leaders for Peace.

FLFP conducts workshops in schools – from grade-school thru college – their workshop lasts 90 minutes, including a video, to capture attention and inspire; it starts with interviews of people the kids can relate to, from sports figures to real people, and continues to Jonathan sharing his stories, including the shark attack he survived at Stinson Beach in 1998; proceeding to then get the kids to share their own stories in small groups of 8 or so – their challenges and conflicts and experiences. To paraphrase Jonathan – It’s amazing how similar their challenges are and yet each one thinks they’re unique – by sharing, they learn how to better approach and overcome adversity in their lives.

Audio player:

Don't Fear the Shark - a book

Jonathan has also written a children’s book Don’t Fear the Shark – a story of his shark attack, but one in which the shark is a bully mistreating humans because it has been mistreated itself – the story looks at how the cycle of violence arises and can be prevented. As he says, the story ends abruptly and the reader has to figure out how it would or could end.

Jonathan is also a hard-working member of the organizing committee for Educators For NonViolence.

[posted with ecto]

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Learning for the 21st Century – the New Technology Foundation Wed, 16 May 2007 01:59:02 +0000 Along with the Project Happiness team consisting of its founder Randy Taran, Maria Linegar, Marsha Clark, and teacher Ward Mailliard, I recently spoke with Paul Curtis, who is Chief Academic and Innovation Officer for the New Technology Foundation in Napa, California. This may be interesting to you if you’re an educator or someone involved with […]

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Along with the Project Happiness team consisting of its founder Randy Taran, Maria Linegar, Marsha Clark, and teacher Ward Mailliard, I recently spoke with Paul Curtis, who is Chief Academic and Innovation Officer for the New Technology Foundation in Napa, California. This may be interesting to you if you’re an educator or someone involved with students today. Project-based learning isn’t exactly new, but making it the model for an entire curriculum is certainly not a widespread practice.

New Technology Foundation’s mission is to “Support, refine and build on New Technology High School – a national model of project based learning in a technology rich environment. Disseminate the model – methodology, tools and resources – through replication, subscription and other means. Create and support a network of schools based on the Napa NTHS model that continues to innovate, identify and share best practices.

Learning for the 21st century includes speaking and writing well – communicating. Critical thinking. And collaboration. They’re modeled more on what the workplace looks like and less on what traditional educational institutions look like. The Foundation disseminates the work – they don’t actually run schools – but they have seeded dozens of schools! And the number is growing rapidly.

In my opinion, “preparing for a career” (in the classical sense) is an almost impossible task today. Years ago, one might prepare for a career as a doctor, or a musician. But today it’s hard to imagine that a career, if viewed as a profession, would even exist longer than 10 or 20 years – let alone for an individual’s productive lifetime. The information learned by engineers graduating from universities today, for instance, has a half-life of 3 years. During an average individual’s lifetime, he or she will have to “retread” several times!

Play the interview:

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Mopping up the Pixels Sun, 01 Apr 2007 06:53:07 +0000 I interviewed John Sorenson, producer for the documentary, about what happens behind the camera and then after all of the video has been shot.John's team of professional collaborators, David Goulding who handles the "big" camera, and Brian Buckley, who captures the sound while they're shooting, are also interviewed in our series.Listen as John describes shooting in California, Nigeria and India, and how the team works to create the raw footage that then goes to the "cutting room" where it turns into a final documentary.

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2007-03-29-John-Tenzindawa-YeshikhandoI interviewed John Sorensen, producer for the Project Happiness documentary, asking him what happens behind the camera and then after all of the video has been shot.

[In the photo you see John, Tenzin Dawa (the TCV cameraman mentioned in the audio clip), and Yeshi Khando, the teacher who picked up this project and ran with it at Upper TCV.]

John’s team of professional collaborators, David Goulding who handles the “big” camera, and Brian Buckley, who captures the sound while they’re shooting, are also interviewed in our series.

This is a challenging process, with video captured in several formats, several shoots in the field, and diverse cultures with different familiarity with the technology.

Play the interview:

Listen as John describes the process of making the documentary, shooting in California, Nigeria and India, and how the team works to create the raw footage that then goes to the “cutting room” where it turns into a final documentary. John speaks with knowledge, insight, and deep feeling about the process.

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