Traveling Geeks Archives - Sky's Blog Communicating in a networked world Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:22:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Traveling Geeks Archives - Sky's Blog 32 32 My iPad’s cute little raincoat keeps it travel-ready Thu, 13 Jan 2011 23:15:50 +0000 When I got my iPad and started carting it around everywhere with me, it first went into the big backpack along with my MacBook Pro (15”), and since I’m used to carrying 20+ pounds in the pack, adding the iPad didn’t bother me at all. It’s a good workout. And when I’m flying internationally, I […]

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When I got my iPad and started carting it around everywhere with me, it first went into the big backpack along with my MacBook Pro (15”), and since I’m used to carrying 20+ pounds in the pack, adding the iPad didn’t bother me at all. It’s a good workout. And when I’m flying internationally, I take one wheeled bag and the backpack, so it’s standard-issue for me.

However, as I started relying more on the iPad for my mobile life, I realized that I could go without the full backpack[1. At least on business days. On weekends I trek around the city on foot, and I prefer to have some weight on my back just to get a better workout, as well as to carry a windbreaker, sweater and other supplies.]. So I checked at REI and found two items I couldn’t live without[2. I have no connection or contact with the manufacturers, bought the products at full retail, and can highly recommend them after months of use.].

The first is this Outdoor Products 10-inch  Power Laptop Sleeve. {The blue bag in the photo.} They may call it a sleeve, but it’s a full carrying bag, padded on all sides, and large enough for a 10” clamshell computer (the type with a flip-up display—Acer, Asus etc.), so it handles an iPad with room to spare even when the iPad is already in a protective case. The bag has a shoulder strap that clips on two ways, so you can carry the bag in a “vertical” or a “horizontal” orientation. You can sling it on your back, around the front, or almost under your shoulder. Over your coat or under your coat. Over the shoulder, or across the chest (strangle-hold around your neck) because the strap loosens and shortens. You insert the iPad through a zipper pocket that allows easy access in either orientation, then you zip it closed. There’s an outer zippered pocket with a little slip-in pocket for SD memory cards, clip-ins for carrying pens (I keep a small LED flashlight in there as part of earthquake readiness), and an interior zippered pocket for headsets and the like. The case is soft enough that it expands as you feed it more gear, yet padded enough to protect against bumps and grinds. I don’t believe the case is waterproof, because water doesn’t bead up on it, so I have taken additional precautions.

Oh, and perhaps the biggest surprise of all, I use a bluetooth wireless keyboard and it fits nicely inside the sleeve along with the iPad. Just barely, but it definitely fits.

The next one isn’t from REI, but I’ve got to mention it. I enclose the iPad directly in an incase Book Jacket that is heftier than Apple’s sleeve and really gives great protection. Yes, I drop my iPad just like I drop my iPhone (and their iPhone case has saved my phone numerous times when it went flying across the room on the floor due to my waving my arms with great abandon). The case makes the iPad seem twice as thick as the naked iPad would be, but makes it so much safer to carry. And even inside the incase, the iPad fits snugly into the Power Laptop Sleeve!

And finally, since it’s rainy season in San Francisco, REI sells “4 litre” Sea to SummitUltra-Sil Dry Sacks (waterproof bags) [3. I use these bags when I’m camping in the wilderness, to keep dry supplies dry. They really are so waterproof they’ll float in a river.] and I bought a cute little yellow one (with a white interior, just like the raincoat my Mom got me to wear to kindergarten) and this bag fits very snugly around the incase and completely waterproofs the iPad for when it gets a tad rainy. I even use the larger 10 litre size sack to put entirely around the Power Laptop Sleeve when there’s a downpour, thus enclosing everything in a waterproof skin. I carry the sacks rolled up inside the larger Laptop Sleeve when I’m not using them. Yes, everything fits nicely.

And I don’t have to carry a backpack to business meetings any more! W00t!

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The Paris Metro you’ll never see Sun, 02 Jan 2011 20:58:13 +0000   Without much comment, but with so much enjoyment (as one who uses the Paris metro beaucoup  when I’m there — three times in the last 12 months)… the story of a subterranean world very few will ever see. I would call them benign explorers and documenters of public territory (my words, of course) and […]

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Without much comment, but with so much enjoyment (as one who uses the Paris metro beaucoup  when I’m there — three times in the last 12 months)… the story of a subterranean world very few will ever see.

I would call them benign explorers and documenters of public territory (my words, of course) and certainly not terrorists, though I’m sure there would be hell-to-pay if they were caught by “the wrong people” and someone wanted to hold them up as examples of how poor security is. But they are urban heroes to me.  😉

I’m certainly not going to tell you the details, but I’ve done my own exploring of locked up places that I shouldn’t have visited (once freeclimbing up the side of a brick building at midnight with no gears, ropes or other aids, checking for unlocked windows, and picking locks), and I know the rush of being there with no intent to do  harm but just exploring spaces that are usually closed off!

Perhaps you’re aware of the outcry among photographers (including myself) about rent-a-cop guards in the U.S. who try to stop you from taking perfectly legal and legitimate photographs in public places (most often near courthouses and federal buildings) — I have been stopped twice by these two-bit uninformed guards trying to keep me from taking photos because they believed there are federal laws prohibiting photography of federal or critical structures (even bridges). That’s not the same as jumping off the platform and running next to the subway tracks, but I couldn’t resist the comparison because it shows the paranoia that exists here in the U.S.

Also see my Art in Public Places articles, and the mixed-reality games I’ve made over the years since 2002.

[Photo “Ubiquitous | Paris 2007” from]

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Differentiating “geeks” from… whatever Sun, 28 Mar 2010 01:00:11 +0000 Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you are described as a geek it’s not exactly a compliment? (I always mean it as a compliment, comeon!) That’s because people don’t fully understand the words nerd, dork, dweeb and geek. Here’s the explanation as a cool Venn diagram. Thanks to Xeni at BoingBoing for pointing it […]

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Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you are described as a geek it’s not exactly a compliment? (I always mean it as a compliment, comeon!) That’s because people don’t fully understand the words nerd, dork, dweeb and geek. Here’s the explanation as a cool Venn diagram.

Thanks to Xeni at BoingBoing for pointing it out. And click the diagram to see how the terms relate.

Also see Traveling Geeks. Not Traveling Dweebs, Traveling Nerds or Traveling Dorks.

And here’s an interesting bestiary of geekdom, listing many different types of geeks. I know a few who fall into some, but not all, of the categories.

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Phonebooth 2.0 Fri, 15 Jan 2010 17:15:00 +0000 I was minding my own business, getting ready to interview someone, at LeWeb in the “Geek Pad” where Microsoft had given us an area to hang out and connect online, when I noticed Eliane had her Macbook Pro over her head. I didn’t see any rain, so I knew she wasn’t using it as an […]

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I was minding my own business, getting ready to interview someone, at LeWeb in the “Geek Pad” where Microsoft had given us an area to hang out and connect online, when I noticed Eliane had her Macbook Pro over her head. I didn’t see any rain, so I knew she wasn’t using it as an umbrella, and then I heard her speaking intimately to the Mac.

Since there are hardly any phone booths anymore, she had turned her Mac into a phone booth!

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Backstage Pass- David Spark Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:00:22 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of David Spark, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. David Spark is a new media producer and consultant whose output includes Spark Minute, and he blogs at [The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.] You can check David’s Cool and […]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of David Spark, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

David Spark is a new media producer and consultant whose output includes Spark Minute, and he blogs at

[The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

You can check David’s Cool and Not-so-Cool post, but in the video, to save time, I edited to focus on the cool!

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Backstage Pass- Ewan Spence Sat, 09 Jan 2010 17:00:32 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Ewan Spence, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Ewan blogs at He’s a blogger, author and writer based in Edinborough, Scotland. [The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Ewan Spence, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Ewan blogs at He’s a blogger, author and writer based in Edinborough, Scotland.

[The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

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Backstage Pass- Eliane Fiolet Fri, 08 Jan 2010 23:00:41 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Eliane Fiolet, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Eliane is cofounder of Ubergizmo. She was a co-organizer of the Traveling Geeks tour to Paris and LeWeb, 2009. [The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Eliane Fiolet, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Eliane is cofounder of Ubergizmo. She was a co-organizer of the Traveling Geeks tour to Paris and LeWeb, 2009.

[The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

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Backstage Pass- Frederic Lardinois Fri, 08 Jan 2010 17:00:30 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Frederic Lardinois, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Frederic blogs at ReadWriteWeb. [The photo at left was provided by Frederic Lardinois.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Frederic Lardinois, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Frederic blogs at ReadWriteWeb.

[The photo at left was provided by Frederic Lardinois.]

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Backstage Pass- Beth Blecherman Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:00:52 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Beth Blecherman, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Beth comes from the application-development world, founded and tweets as @techmama. [The photo at left is by Olivier Ezratty.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Beth Blecherman, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Beth comes from the application-development world, founded and tweets as @techmama.

[The photo at left is by Olivier Ezratty.]

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Backstage Pass- Robin Wauters Thu, 07 Jan 2010 17:00:51 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Robin Wauters, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Robin writes at TechCrunch and is the managing editor of He lives in Brussels. [The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Robin Wauters, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Robin writes at TechCrunch and is the managing editor of He lives in Brussels.

[The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

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Backstage Pass- Olivier Ezratty Wed, 06 Jan 2010 23:00:13 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Olivier Ezratty, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Olivier blogs at Opinions Libres. His photos appear in the Flickr group for the Traveling Geeks. He along with Eliane Fiolet (who was a co-organizer of the Paris trip) was one of our local navigators). [The photo at left is […]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Olivier Ezratty, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Olivier blogs at Opinions Libres. His photos appear in the Flickr group for the Traveling Geeks. He along with Eliane Fiolet (who was a co-organizer of the Paris trip) was one of our local navigators).

[The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa, one of the Traveling Geeks Paris geeks. Yes, that’s the lens on Olivier’s camera.]

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Backstage Pass- Matthew Buckland Wed, 06 Jan 2010 17:00:48 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Matthew Buckland, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Matthew writes at His favorite color is red. [The photo at left was provided by Matt Buckland.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Matthew Buckland, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Matthew writes at His favorite color is red.

[The photo at left was provided by Matt Buckland.]

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Backstage Pass- Renee Blodgett Tue, 05 Jan 2010 23:00:46 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Renee Blodgett, Co-Founder of Traveling Geeks and organizer of the trip to Paris for LeWeb, in December, 2009. Renee writes at DownTheAvenue. [Photo at left is by Beth Blecherman.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Renee Blodgett, Co-Founder of Traveling Geeks and organizer of the trip to Paris for LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Renee writes at DownTheAvenue.

[Photo at left is by Beth Blecherman.]

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Backstage Pass- Tom Foremski Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:20:31 +0000 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Tom Foremski, from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009. Tom writes at Silicon Valley Watcher. [Photo at left is by JD Lasica, from the London 2009 trip.]

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This is a Backstage Pass interview of Tom Foremski, from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009.

Tom writes at Silicon Valley Watcher.

[Photo at left is by JD Lasica, from the London 2009 trip.]

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Backstage Pass- Amanda Coolong Tue, 05 Jan 2010 03:09:14 +0000 This is the first of my Backstage Pass interviews from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009. Amanda writes at TechZulu and is happy to strike up a yoga pose almost anywhere (not in this video, but in the Traveling Geeks Flickr photos). [Photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa, one of the […]

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This is the first of my Backstage Pass interviews from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009.

Amanda writes at TechZulu and is happy to strike up a yoga pose almost anywhere (not in this video, but in the Traveling Geeks Flickr photos).

[Photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa, one of the geeks on the Paris trip.]

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