Comments on: Embed web page fonts using @font-face Communicating in a networked world Mon, 02 Jan 2017 20:15:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bill Paladino Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:12:27 +0000 Hi-

Re Embed web page fonts using @font-face

Below example is based on example at:

Mine will not display in EUROSTILE font.
I am just concerned with Firefox and Chrome now
and will address I-E later (eot).

@font-face {
font-family: EuroFont;

src: url(‘’) format(‘opentype’);
font-family: EuroFont;

Test Bed for Euro Style Font

With CSS3, websites can use fonts other than the installed fonts.


Like you, I’ve spent many hours but could not get it to work.

I will donate $20 to the Dalai Lama Foundation for your help.


Bill Paladino
Kings Park, NY

By: Sky Thu, 03 Feb 2011 06:30:48 +0000 I’m viewing this page in Firefox 3.6.13 and the headlines are in SF Cartoonist Hand and working fine. Take a look at the HTML of this page (the one you’re viewing) and see how it was done.

By: Zamshed Farhan Wed, 02 Feb 2011 03:20:01 +0000 But it does not work for FireFox 3.6.13. Why? Please clear me.

By: Sky Wed, 27 Jan 2010 04:36:06 +0000 Yeah, my code looks almost exactly like your original code doesn’t it? So it makes me scratch my head too.

The issue was two fold – and mixed with a little confusion on my part from having read too many examples – so many examples given elsewhere, including and in some of the discussion/comments on the (your) Paul Irish blog, did not enclose the filename within the url() construct in quotes. The original example in your blog post does have quotes, but some of the comments just have a raw filename in the url() specification. I was working from some of the samples in the comments. And that didn’t work for me until I put the URL in quotes.

In addition, I ended up using the entire URL, starting right from the “http://” although I probably could have just started from an initial “/” instead. I use the fonts within a WordPress blog and when a site visitor is viewing a page on my site, they’re often a couple of page levels deep on the site and the browser can’t find the font file because it needs a full path, not a path relative to the current page. So my examples use full URLs and they work on all of the browsers and on my WordPress-powered blog.

By: Paul Irish Mon, 25 Jan 2010 17:28:55 +0000 Interesting! What was the change you made for Firefox compatibility?
