Comments on: Mars Curiosity Inspires me to Explore more Radio Data Modes Communicating in a networked world Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:36:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: peter Wed, 08 Aug 2012 18:37:49 +0000 funny, I had the same reaction re mars landing being like the moon mission of 1969! For that, I was in the master control room at ABC TV news. We were getting the feeds from NASA before any other network. It was up to our unit, the Special Events unit which I had been a part of until the year before (my past alliance gave me privilege), that made the feed available to the rest of the world. It was about as an exciting time as it gets in the world of broadcasting for which my life seems ordained, given KidCast for Peace was the first ever multinode many-to-many video broadcast on the Internet that enabled children in countries of conflict to “be” with each other (June 24, 1995) despite geographic and language barriers.
