Comments on: Social Media forces immediacy of customer support Communicating in a networked world Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:32:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: #NowTrending in Social Media: Geo and Q&A « "PR & New Media Today" | Mon, 23 Aug 2010 12:13:01 +0000 […] as the social/mobile web grow, people demand information sooner and sooner. In terms of business, customer support are changing the way they operate to better accomodate consumers’ needs.  Smartphone-based scanning and intelligent information discovery, as Mashable notes, will only […]

By: Guy Stephens Fri, 31 Jul 2009 00:38:32 +0000 Another interesting observation. There is no doubt from my own experience at Carphone Warehouse that complaints that originate via Twitter are picked up much more quickly, and we even have examples of ‘bystanders’ to the problem bringing such complaints to our attention. With customer service agents increasingly now operating on this twitter frontline, the need for organisations to trust in and truly empower their employees to make decisions is even greater.
