David Spark Archives - Sky's Blog https://blog.red7.com/tag/david-spark/ Communicating in a networked world Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:16:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://blog.red7.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/skyhi-wind-icon-256x256-120x120.png David Spark Archives - Sky's Blog https://blog.red7.com/tag/david-spark/ 32 32 Backstage Pass- David Spark https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-david-spark/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-david-spark/#respond Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:00:22 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2403 This is a Backstage Pass interview of David Spark, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. David Spark is a new media producer and consultant whose output includes Spark Minute, and he blogs at SparkMinute.com. [The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.] You can check David’s Cool and […]

The post Backstage Pass- David Spark appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of David Spark, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

David Spark is a new media producer and consultant whose output includes Spark Minute, and he blogs at SparkMinute.com.

[The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

You can check David’s Cool and Not-so-Cool post, but in the video, to save time, I edited to focus on the cool!

The post Backstage Pass- David Spark appeared first on Sky's Blog.

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