EveryTrail Archives - Sky's Blog https://blog.red7.com/tag/everytrail/ Communicating in a networked world Mon, 02 Jan 2017 07:38:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://blog.red7.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/skyhi-wind-icon-256x256-120x120.png EveryTrail Archives - Sky's Blog https://blog.red7.com/tag/everytrail/ 32 32 The Quantified Self – More Geo-Tripping https://blog.red7.com/the-quantified-self-more-geo-tripping/ https://blog.red7.com/the-quantified-self-more-geo-tripping/#respond Sun, 23 Nov 2008 00:11:14 +0000 http://sky.dlfound.org/?p=559 The ways I choose to get regular exercise are hiking and biking. I never could stand “going to the gym” and doing an indoor workout. It always seemed to me that there was little point in getting in the car, driving somewhere, parking, going inside to exercise on machines, getting all sweaty, then back in […]

The post The Quantified Self – More Geo-Tripping appeared first on Sky's Blog.

The quantified selfThe ways I choose to get regular exercise are hiking and biking. I never could stand “going to the gym” and doing an indoor workout. It always seemed to me that there was little point in getting in the car, driving somewhere, parking, going inside to exercise on machines, getting all sweaty, then back in the car, and driving home again. And running was always hard on my feet and knees, so although I did run for a few years (up and down San Francisco hills), it didn’t really last.

I find that hiking 10+ miles with a 20-lb pack gives me an opportunity to clear my mind for 3 hours, see some of the city (or the surrounding territory), work off a thousand or so calories, take a few interesting photos, and see people doing a lot of silly things.

Read more about that iPhone app EveryTrail…

This iPhone app EveryTrail goofed me up last weekend when I hiked the Headlands in Marin County and it completely lost all of my data – after 10 miles of recording. So today I did another urban hike, down to the Ferry Building, around the Embarcadero to near Pier 39, then back down Van Ness Avenue and up Market Street to my starting point. This time its recording was quite good! There were a few of the usual GPS glitches (it’s hard for the GPS to see enough satellites in an urban setting with hills and skyscrapers around), but by and large it recorded my track pretty well.

I’m comparing the distances against the Nike Plus Sportband, and the EveryTrail app always reads about 10% higher than the Sportband, so I’m not sure which one to believe yet. I think that probably half of the difference is due to GPS inaccuracies, so I’d say that the Sportband (for me) records about 5% lower than my actual mileage, and EveryTrail probably records 5% higher than actual.

The EveryTrail widget (see below) is giving me a little trouble, but try clicking “Full” and then double-click to zoom in on San Francisco and you’ll see how it recorded my route. There’s gotta be a way to get the widget to zoom in automatically, but I haven’t figured it out yet, sorry.

(If you have Google Earth on your computer, you can download this KML file and see my trip in Google Earth – I absolutely love this!)

SF loop

Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

The post The Quantified Self – More Geo-Tripping appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/the-quantified-self-more-geo-tripping/feed/ 0 559
The Quantified Self https://blog.red7.com/the-quantified-self/ https://blog.red7.com/the-quantified-self/#respond Tue, 11 Nov 2008 00:27:52 +0000 http://sky.dlfound.org/?p=552 I was amused and delighted by the topic, but a schedule conflict prevented me from attending a meeting at the Institute For The Future (IFTF) about “the quantified self” a month ago. The topic, however, is completely intriguing to me as I find my life increasingly digitized – as if it weren’t already. (See The […]

The post The Quantified Self appeared first on Sky's Blog.

The quantified selfI was amused and delighted by the topic, but a schedule conflict prevented me from attending a meeting at the Institute For The Future (IFTF) about “the quantified self” a month ago. The topic, however, is completely intriguing to me as I find my life increasingly digitized – as if it weren’t already. (See The Quantified Self Group.)

I picked up an iPhone app called EveryTrail, and have been testing it against measured walking/running courses all weekend, and also tried to use it to measure a walk from my house to the Ferry Building and back on Sunday (it was way off due to GPS inaccuracies in the skyscraper canyons of downtown San Francisco, but it’s spot-on when the GPS satellites are unobstructed, such as on the waterfront).

Here’s (below) a Saturday hike I did from Crissy Field to the Golden Gate Bridge, then back along the Embarcadero to Pier 23, with a return to Crissy Field – a little more than 10 miles. You can double-click to zoom in on the map, and you can drag it to see the kind of detail this app records. The iPhone has to remain on (not sleeping) the entire time in order to record the GPS data, and I ran the battery down below 20% over the course of almost 4 hours. I was also wearing new shoes, and I can hardly walk today my feet are so raw. But it was a lot of fun.

Crissy Field, Marina, Embarcadero

Widget powered by EveryTrail: GPS Geotagging

The post The Quantified Self appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/the-quantified-self/feed/ 0 552