LeWeb Archives - Sky's Blog https://blog.red7.com/tag/leweb/ Communicating in a networked world Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:23:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://blog.red7.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/skyhi-wind-icon-256x256-120x120.png LeWeb Archives - Sky's Blog https://blog.red7.com/tag/leweb/ 32 32 Phonebooth 2.0 https://blog.red7.com/phonebooth-2-0/ https://blog.red7.com/phonebooth-2-0/#respond Fri, 15 Jan 2010 17:15:00 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2412 I was minding my own business, getting ready to interview someone, at LeWeb in the “Geek Pad” where Microsoft had given us an area to hang out and connect online, when I noticed Eliane had her Macbook Pro over her head. I didn’t see any rain, so I knew she wasn’t using it as an […]

The post Phonebooth 2.0 appeared first on Sky's Blog.

I was minding my own business, getting ready to interview someone, at LeWeb in the “Geek Pad” where Microsoft had given us an area to hang out and connect online, when I noticed Eliane had her Macbook Pro over her head. I didn’t see any rain, so I knew she wasn’t using it as an umbrella, and then I heard her speaking intimately to the Mac.

Since there are hardly any phone booths anymore, she had turned her Mac into a phone booth!

The post Phonebooth 2.0 appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/phonebooth-2-0/feed/ 0 2412
Backstage Pass- David Spark https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-david-spark/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-david-spark/#respond Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:00:22 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2403 This is a Backstage Pass interview of David Spark, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. David Spark is a new media producer and consultant whose output includes Spark Minute, and he blogs at SparkMinute.com. [The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.] You can check David’s Cool and […]

The post Backstage Pass- David Spark appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of David Spark, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

David Spark is a new media producer and consultant whose output includes Spark Minute, and he blogs at SparkMinute.com.

[The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

You can check David’s Cool and Not-so-Cool post, but in the video, to save time, I edited to focus on the cool!

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https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-david-spark/feed/ 0 2403
Backstage Pass- Ewan Spence https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-ewan-spence/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-ewan-spence/#respond Sat, 09 Jan 2010 17:00:32 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2397 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Ewan Spence, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Ewan blogs at EwanSpence.com. He’s a blogger, author and writer based in Edinborough, Scotland. [The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

The post Backstage Pass- Ewan Spence appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Ewan Spence, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Ewan blogs at EwanSpence.com. He’s a blogger, author and writer based in Edinborough, Scotland.

[The photo at left was taken at LeWeb in Paris, 2009, by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

The post Backstage Pass- Ewan Spence appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-ewan-spence/feed/ 0 2397
Backstage Pass- Eliane Fiolet https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-eliane-fiolet/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-eliane-fiolet/#respond Fri, 08 Jan 2010 23:00:41 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2391 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Eliane Fiolet, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Eliane is cofounder of Ubergizmo. She was a co-organizer of the Traveling Geeks tour to Paris and LeWeb, 2009. [The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

The post Backstage Pass- Eliane Fiolet appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Eliane Fiolet, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Eliane is cofounder of Ubergizmo. She was a co-organizer of the Traveling Geeks tour to Paris and LeWeb, 2009.

[The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepúlveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

The post Backstage Pass- Eliane Fiolet appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-eliane-fiolet/feed/ 0 2391
Backstage Pass- Beth Blecherman https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-beth-blecherman/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-beth-blecherman/#respond Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:00:52 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2381 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Beth Blecherman, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Beth comes from the application-development world, founded TechMamas.com and tweets as @techmama. [The photo at left is by Olivier Ezratty.]

The post Backstage Pass- Beth Blecherman appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Beth Blecherman, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Beth comes from the application-development world, founded TechMamas.com and tweets as @techmama.

[The photo at left is by Olivier Ezratty.]

The post Backstage Pass- Beth Blecherman appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-beth-blecherman/feed/ 0 2381
Backstage Pass- Robin Wauters https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-robin-wauters/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-robin-wauters/#respond Thu, 07 Jan 2010 17:00:51 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2375 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Robin Wauters, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Robin writes at TechCrunch and is the managing editor of virtualization.com. He lives in Brussels. [The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

The post Backstage Pass- Robin Wauters appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Robin Wauters, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Robin writes at TechCrunch and is the managing editor of virtualization.com. He lives in Brussels.

[The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa.]

The post Backstage Pass- Robin Wauters appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-robin-wauters/feed/ 0 2375
Backstage Pass- Olivier Ezratty https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-olivier-ezratty/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-olivier-ezratty/#respond Wed, 06 Jan 2010 23:00:13 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2366 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Olivier Ezratty, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Olivier blogs at Opinions Libres. His photos appear in the Flickr group for the Traveling Geeks. He along with Eliane Fiolet (who was a co-organizer of the Paris trip) was one of our local navigators). [The photo at left is […]

The post Backstage Pass- Olivier Ezratty appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Olivier Ezratty, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Olivier blogs at Opinions Libres. His photos appear in the Flickr group for the Traveling Geeks. He along with Eliane Fiolet (who was a co-organizer of the Paris trip) was one of our local navigators).

[The photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa, one of the Traveling Geeks Paris geeks. Yes, that’s the lens on Olivier’s camera.]

The post Backstage Pass- Olivier Ezratty appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-olivier-ezratty/feed/ 0 2366
Backstage Pass- Matthew Buckland https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-matthew-buckland/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-matthew-buckland/#respond Wed, 06 Jan 2010 17:00:48 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2361 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Matthew Buckland, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009. Matthew writes at MatthewBuckland.com. His favorite color is red. [The photo at left was provided by Matt Buckland.]

The post Backstage Pass- Matthew Buckland appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Matthew Buckland, conducted at LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Matthew writes at MatthewBuckland.com. His favorite color is red.

[The photo at left was provided by Matt Buckland.]

The post Backstage Pass- Matthew Buckland appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-matthew-buckland/feed/ 0 2361
Backstage Pass- Renee Blodgett https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-renee-blodgett/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-renee-blodgett/#respond Tue, 05 Jan 2010 23:00:46 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2356 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Renee Blodgett, Co-Founder of Traveling Geeks and organizer of the trip to Paris for LeWeb, in December, 2009. Renee writes at DownTheAvenue. [Photo at left is by Beth Blecherman.]

The post Backstage Pass- Renee Blodgett appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Renee Blodgett, Co-Founder of Traveling Geeks and organizer of the trip to Paris for LeWeb, in December, 2009.

Renee writes at DownTheAvenue.

[Photo at left is by Beth Blecherman.]

The post Backstage Pass- Renee Blodgett appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-renee-blodgett/feed/ 0 2356
Backstage Pass- Tom Foremski https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-tom-foremski-2/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-tom-foremski-2/#respond Tue, 05 Jan 2010 18:20:31 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2346 This is a Backstage Pass interview of Tom Foremski, from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009. Tom writes at Silicon Valley Watcher. [Photo at left is by JD Lasica, from the London 2009 trip.]

The post Backstage Pass- Tom Foremski appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is a Backstage Pass interview of Tom Foremski, from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009.

Tom writes at Silicon Valley Watcher.

[Photo at left is by JD Lasica, from the London 2009 trip.]

The post Backstage Pass- Tom Foremski appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-tom-foremski-2/feed/ 0 2346
Backstage Pass- Amanda Coolong https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-amanda-coolong/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-amanda-coolong/#respond Tue, 05 Jan 2010 03:09:14 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2341 This is the first of my Backstage Pass interviews from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009. Amanda writes at TechZulu and is happy to strike up a yoga pose almost anywhere (not in this video, but in the Traveling Geeks Flickr photos). [Photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa, one of the […]

The post Backstage Pass- Amanda Coolong appeared first on Sky's Blog.

This is the first of my Backstage Pass interviews from Traveling Geeks at LeWeb in Paris, December, 2009.

Amanda writes at TechZulu and is happy to strike up a yoga pose almost anywhere (not in this video, but in the Traveling Geeks Flickr photos).

[Photo at left is by Rodrigo Sepulveda-Schulz (CC)by-nc-sa, one of the geeks on the Paris trip.]

The post Backstage Pass- Amanda Coolong appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass-amanda-coolong/feed/ 0 2341
Backstage Pass- Sky interviews the geeks https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass/ https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass/#respond Mon, 04 Jan 2010 07:11:31 +0000 http://blog.red7.com/?p=2307 It’s time to pick up your backstage pass for the Traveling Geeks tour. As the “geeks’ geek” I have the enjoyable task of herding the last few animals into the barn before the tour actually takes place. This means (primarily) that I’m handed the web site a couple of weeks before we take off and […]

The post Backstage Pass- Sky interviews the geeks appeared first on Sky's Blog.

It’s time to pick up your backstage pass for the Traveling Geeks tour. As the “geeks’ geek” I have the enjoyable task of herding the last few animals into the barn before the tour actually takes place. This means (primarily) that I’m handed the web site a couple of weeks before we take off and I make a ton of last-minute additions and adjustments—and have to debug various processes, sometimes over and over. For the Paris trip there were some new and interesting twists because of changes taking place in the social media scene. So let’s go behind the scenes with my recollections and introduction:

The post Backstage Pass- Sky interviews the geeks appeared first on Sky's Blog.

https://blog.red7.com/backstage-pass/feed/ 0 2307