social media Archives - Sky's Blog Communicating in a networked world Wed, 08 Feb 2017 21:31:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social media Archives - Sky's Blog 32 32 Goodbye “MyBlogLog” Tue, 26 Jan 2010 17:15:30 +0000 I just realized (smack me in the face, huh!) that, which I signed up for some months ago, is actually something I don’t want any part of! Duh. It’s a “service” that shows my little face photo on sites that subscribe to their service, saying “Sky has been reading this page.” Given what Facebook […]

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I just realized (smack me in the face, huh!) that, which I signed up for some months ago, is actually something I don’t want any part of! Duh.

It’s a “service” that shows my little face photo on sites that subscribe to their service, saying “Sky has been reading this page.” Given what Facebook did to me in December, revealing who all of my friends are[1][2], I’ve become somewhat protective of where I go and what I read. Why would I want people to see that I’ve been reading some blog that just happens to subscribe to this service? What if I arrive at a site, gag on its contents, and then leave? MyBlogLog still shows that I’ve recently been there.

Goodbye privacy? Nope, goodbye MyBlogLog — I just unregistered. And they miss me already?

[1] The King (Facebook) has no Clothes — and Neither do we [now that our friends are public information]

[2] The King (Facebook) has no Friends — and Neither do we [any more]

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Reaching Advocates and Influencers Thu, 23 Jul 2009 17:00:31 +0000 Rather than blasting out advertising indiscriminately to everyone, firms are finding they can target individuals who like their brand and can influence others to see the brand more positively. There are more and more ways to find out who your brand’s advocates and influencers are. That’s because software is now tying the data together so […]

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Traveling GeeksRather than blasting out advertising indiscriminately to everyone, firms are finding they can target individuals who like their brand and can influence others to see the brand more positively. There are more and more ways to find out who your brand’s advocates and influencers are. That’s because software is now tying the data together so we can actively decide how to reach and, more importantly interact with, our passionate customers. Social media allow us to openly and transparently interact with and have conversations with our customers.

Susan Bratton, JD Lasica, Renee Blodgett and Robert Scoble discuss these aspects of marketing and customer relations in this roundtable in Cambridge as a part of Traveling Geeks 2009.


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Take your Brand to Where the Customers are Mon, 08 Jun 2009 08:11:28 +0000 This is a piece o’ history document that rings so true to my personal experience that I have to say danah boyd[1] is both lucid and clairvoyant! Social Media is Here to Stay… Now What? Here’s one of the best snips from the document: Many who build technology think that a technology’s feature set is […]

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daynah boydThis is a piece o’ history document that rings so true to my personal experience that I have to say danah boyd[1] is both lucid and clairvoyant! Social Media is Here to Stay… Now What?

Here’s one of the best snips from the document:

Many who build technology think that a technology’s feature set is the key to its adoption and popularity. With social media, this is often not the case. There are triggers that drive early adopters to a site, but the single most important factor in determining whether or not a person will adopt one of these sites is whether or not it is the place where their friends hangout.

This supports what more of us are saying every day “If you build it they probably won’t come.” You can’t believe how many times my customers have looked at me with disbelief (and even fired my consulting firm) because I told them they should adopt an incremental approach rather than launch a full-blown social site on their own.

The uptake of social media is quite different than the uptake of non-social technologies. For the most part, you don’t need your friends to use Word to find the tool useful. You do need your friends to use email for it to be useful, but, thanks to properties of that medium, you don’t need them to be using Outlook or Hotmail to write to them. Many of the new genres of social media are walled gardens, requiring your friends to use that exact site to be valuable.

And my advice on this is “Build your brand and then take your brand to where folks are hanging out.” If they’re on Facebook, then build a Facebook app, or a fan page, rather than trying to get them to come to your website and hang out there.

[1] Yes, all lower case letters. She is one today’s most prominent researchers of social media.

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