We have posted a number of volunteer “jobs” at our web site. They all have significant online components. We’re looking for an online bookstore manager, for newsletter editors in several languages, and Peace and Ethics Curriculum managers. See the web site for more details on the jobs.
There’s a key orientation which I’d like to explain here. Each of these is a volunteer position, of course, which means that there’s no pay for doing the job. But, ultimately it should be our goal to develop these into paying positions. The bookstore manager position is a good example. If someone smart can take on the task which we’ve described there, they can become a general manager for the store, and the store can become profitable, thus generating the funds to pay the manager to run the store in the future. And, as one of our supporters has suggested, the store could have a physical presence, could sell things other than books, and could become a well-run contributor to the work of the Foundation.
And let’s take the newsletter editing as another example. Why not get a good, robust, widely-distributed newsletter going in Chinese, let’s say, and then turn that into a position funded by a person or group interested in the causes of peace and ethics within the Chinese-speaking world? A grant could then provide enough cash to pay for the newsletter editor position. Of course, you need to get things started – get things up and operational – before you can really propose this to a funding agency. But, ultimately that’s one direction we could go.
If you’re motivated by this, by all means let us know via email at info@dlfound.org