I have friends who read tarot cards, and I myself have read tarot cards in the past (during the Hippie days, as if I actually had those). But I view them as a projective technique where what you are thinking about and hoping for is reflected in your reading of the cards.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator [MBTI] is a personality inventory which can give you some insight into how you approach the world. The Myers & Briggs Foundation web site contains lots of information on this instrument and you can take the full instrument online or offline many places. Professionals are certified and can give you a full administration and reading of the MBTI instrument. But taking it online is also informative! Just remember that this instrument is licensed, and the freebie versions aren’t the real instrument.
But, here’s some online fun with a slant on the MBTI – the Typealyzer.com web site reads entries from a blog and then gives an assessment of MBTI type based on what it sees there. Don’t ask me how they do it, though I have my theories. There’s always the caveat that what you write may not reflect how you would score in the actual MBTI, but I think it’s pretty interesting. Try this site on your own, or any other, blog. Just give it a URL and you’ll get back a type!
Do you remember a company that presented itself to Knowledge Universe that claimed to do some kind of super accurate astrological or some other intuitive info thing? You and I had ratings off their charts so none of us knew what to make of it. Ancient history, n’est-ce pas? xxx Sherry Miller
What I remember is your astrological chart. Never did fully resolve that whole Aquarius/Pisces thing. I hope you have a great birthday!
Typealyzer’s a pretty cool site, but would be better and more accurate if it only assessed the written text.
I just stumbled on this post & tried Typealizer and it was completely wrong on my personality type – though it’s a fun exercise 🙂
very interesting. I used the typealyzer site to analyze my blog on which talks analyzes Eminem as an ISFP. It was pretty close. Ive tested as an ISTJ and the site analyzed the blog as INTJ (i tested relatively neutral in S/N) so its interesting that it picked up my writing style as INTJ.