Near the entrance to SiL Amber’s crash pad in London, this is the walkway behind the offices of a clothing design and manufacturing business. Notice that to a certain age they prefer to put swaddling on the mannequins. Being Britain, they all face demurely away from the window, but imagine coming into that office through the front door and facing that line-up of hanging forms.
Coming outta my ears
Walking on a sunny Sunday in San Francisco, on a steep residential hill I hear a fountain. Looking up, above a stone garage entrance I see this fountain. Intense gaze on the face. Two water spouts.
Cubism in Public

Dog-related Antisocial Behavior
Couldn’t resist this sign, which is posted in the public park near Euston Station in London. I’ll leave it to readers to make their own comments.
London is full of parks both public and private. Yes, private in that they’re fenced off and you need a key to access. Neighbors might have a key — others do not. And parks that have been there hundreds of years.
In San Francisco we’re not used to this concept of private parks. Frequently one encounters brass plates in the sidewalk stating “Right to pass… by permission of owner…” and in some cities, like New York, owners of private property that is open for trespass will close off their right-of-way once a year, just to enforce their right of ownership. [Read more…]
Music flashmobs
Wonderful (planned) musical incidents in real-life places brought to light by WQXR new York … their “Q2” music by living composers is a treat! Listen and/or donate to WQXR to keep them going. This article has to do with their annual “High Notes and Low Tones for Classical Music in 2013” awards which led me to review some videos of music-related flashmobs. This was under their Frequent Flier Upgrade section in which players from the Philadelphia Orchestra performed onboard a flight before takeoff. More and more orchestras have blogs and other ways to keep in touch. [Read more…]