I cleaned out my news reader subscriptions this morning[1. I use NetNewsWire on my Mac PowerBook and Reeder on my iPad, with the data being coordinated through Google Reader online] and found that of about 30 blogs I dropped, most of them hadn’t been updated in over a year, or even since 2006 in a couple of cases. Are people getting tired of blogging? (For that matter, are people getting tired of tweeting? I hardly ever do it any more…) To lay a motivational foundation, I was cleaning out my subscriptions because I now read them on an iPad and it has been taking me nearly a couple of hours a day to read them, so I needed to cut a lot of duplicates—seeing the same information several places, in blogs that are just “repeaters.”
Ten reasons my buddies might have quit blogging (remember, I call blog posts “articles”):
- Too much time goes into writing a single article
- email inbox is over 1,000 and need to catch up
- too busy reading other blogs
- watching video more than ever – still haven’t seen all the TED videos
- iPad doesn’t provide an easy way to write for the blog (get a keyboard!)
- 400 podcasts stacked up and no longer commute to work so I can’t get through the backlog
- don’t have anything original to say and got tired of repeating what others were saying
- started tweeting and then I didn’t even have enough time for tweeting
- quit blogging for {pick one} summer/trip/vacation/religiousholiday and just never got the energy to start again
- got a real job. (Whatever that is…)
Hmmm…the balance to be struck is between consuming and producing, I think. And consuming is far easier than producing.