Well I don’t have a photo, but my first computer was an IBM 709. My next computer, for a very short time, was a CDC 3400, which was soon after replaced by the CDC 6400 that served for roughly 7 years as “my” mainframe. Me and many other researchers, of course. [Read more…]
Testing a new FB connector

My old WordPress plugin to publish to Facebook has failed.
Now I’m trying the “built in” connector provided by WordPress.org. It connects through WordPress.com, and you have to have an account there, which is where you specify whether to post just to your timeline or to your pages as well.
The plug-ins I was using, which shall remain unnamed, have not been updated for a long time. When I got a custom Facebook URL some time ago, they stopped posting to my timeline. I believe the issue was that FB gave me a new “ID” and the plug-in was mistakenly getting the old ID, which FB no longer responded to. I hope this new arrangement through WordPress.com is going to work.
Do what I want, not what I (don’t) say
I have lots of clients who have great ideas, wonderful vision, and yet have a lot of trouble understanding why I keep asking them for more and more specificity before I sit down and write some HTML or code. I’m afraid they sometimes think I’m a dolt because I keep asking for more detail about exactly what they want me to do. They find it hard to understand why I can’t just take an idea and run with it. Why do I need a detailed specification?
I ran into this passage a week ago, written over 10 years ago (but timeless), and the clarity and insight was so right on that I laughed out loud:
“The programmer, who needs clarity, who must talk all day to a machine that demands declarations, hunkers down into a low-grade annoyance. It is here that the stereotype of the programmer, sitting in a dim room, growling from behind Coke cans, has its origins. The disorder of the desk, the floor; the yellow Post-it notes everywhere; the whiteboards covered with scrawl: all this is the outward manifestation of the messiness of human thought. The messiness cannot go into the program; it piles up around the programmer.
Ullman, Ellen (2012-02-28). Close to the Machine: Technophilia and Its Discontents (Kindle Locations 352-356). Picador. Kindle Edition.
So when the client says, “Make that headline a little more greenish,” I now have something I can point them at so they’ll understand the difficulty of that seemingly simple task. I love it!
Nginx may not improve your performance compared to Apache
The predominant “web server software” used for WordPress sites are Apache and nginx. [1. tech discussion: Apache launches a new thread (a “program”) in server memory for every incoming page and object requested by your site visitors. This can rapidly clog the server’s memory as the number of requests per second increases. nginx initially launches a number of threads and then dispatches page/object requests to them for service—properly configured it doesn’t bloat up and fill memory.] Generally on smaller servers nginx will be more efficient because it doesn’t gobble memory like Apache does. The question of which web server software to use hinges primarily on the CPU power and memory resources that are required on the server side to make your site run properly. [Read more…]
Top sysadmin tools for iPad
Digital nomads, you can finally and really be the system administrator for your cloud (and other) servers from your iPad. Since December, each time I’ve left town, I have intentionally left my MacBook Pro at home in favor of my iPad. I found that just having a few specific apps allowed me to fully administer my cloud servers from the pad. Please note that a bluetooth (or other) keyboard is required for some of these apps to function fully. But generally I can do everything I need to when I’m on the road. [Read more…]
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